Sunday 12 February 2012

November 2 - Ottolenghi Salads and Savouries

It would not be right to devote a whole blog to Ottolenghi recipes but this summer, whenever I was entertaining, I turned to his book.
Tracking down some of the ingredients has been a challenge. His shops sell za'atar but I've also bought the Barts' Spice version from Waitrose as well as sumac and giant couscous. I've found pomegranate molasses in the Portobello Road and bought black sesame seeds, nigella  seeds and Cortas orange flower water from the Spice Shop in Blenheim Crescent in Notting Hill.
One Sunday lunch for friends, I cooked the marinaded lamb, mograbiah salad with roasted tomato, aubergine and saffron yoghurt with pomegranate and the green bean and mangetout salad in an orange and hazelnut dressing (below). There was enough leftover for some very special lunch boxes the next day...

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